The Hereafter

Time is passing very quickly
It never stops
Not even for a second
Our age is in constant exodus
We get older with every passing second
But we do not realize it
Every second the world moves us far away from youth and longevity
And in every second the Hereafter is approaching us
If we love the world
It begins to splinter us away from God
While God and the Hereafter which we begin to forget and disdain are approaching us
The heart begins to suffer
Because it is leaving what it loves
The suffering will increase if we never love what are we going to face (in the Hereafter)
We are bound to go to the Hereafter without any provision
What we love will be left
What we do not love will come
How painful the heart and soul will be!
To leave what is loved
To face and meet with what is not loved
Remember, the circle of life is moving in haste
The world that we love will be left far away
Shan’t mankind act to provide the journey of life with something that facilitates the life of the hereafter?
