I want to love You God

I know God you are the supreme love,
I also want to love You,
I know that loving You is very needed,
It is the climax of the entire happiness,
I'm making efforts towards that,
But my love to You is always disturbed,
There are many things that interrupt it,
My evil desires, together with the cursed Satan,
The enchanting world which are always alluring,In that moment,
I will forget You,
As well as the love, it no longer exists,
Yet occasionally my love to You comes again,
It comes and goes,
Eventhough it is very little,
but its pleasure is felt,
But soon afterward I forget You once again,
Sometimes it lasts very long,
Nevertheless before long I realize again,
You are my supreme love,
You should be loved,
After that I forget again,
That is how my love and negligent towards You come and go,
God,With my grievous heart,
Help me,
With Your blessing,
Help me to love You,
So that the fake love,
Would be annihilated automatically,
That is my hope on You…

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